Hungarian interests in the future of the Common Agricultural Policy

Jámbor, Attila

Keywords: Common Agricultural Policy, Hungarian agricultural policy, Hungarian interests

Before identifying Hungarian interests in the CAP reform, one should clearly see that on the one hand, some issues should not be questioned or argued in the current stage of 95 the reform, while on the other hand, national ideas and interests should be in line with the framework evolved in the international debate. Therefore interests identified in the article definitely correspond to the ongoing debate as well as are in strong relation with the priorities of the national long-term rural strategy. National interests linked to the first pillar: evade the decrease of national agricultural support, fair distribution of direct payments, redefined greening, cut the red-tape, maintain structural diversity, maintain support linked to production as well as create price stability and balance of bargaining power along the food chain. National interests linked to the second pillar: evade the decrease of national rural development support, fair distribution of rural development subsidies, integrated rural development, new priorities with more freedom in distribution, enhance sustainable productivity.

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