Examining the Hungarian consumer market of workplace catering

Fodor, Mónika – Gyenge, Balázs – Horváth, Ágnes

Keywords: institutional catering, factor analysis, cluster analysis

Our paper presents the findings of a national 1000-person survey. Based on the results, we identified the consumer segments present in the domestic market of institutional catering.
We proved that in addition to socio-demographic characteristics, the segments also differed in terms of eating habits and attitude to institutional catering. This confirms that these factors influence the individuals in choosing the form of institutional catering.
It was found that the choice of the institutional catering correlates mostly to time-conscious food consumption behaviour, but consumers’ demand for convenience, quality and extra services also appear in addition to time optimization.
These empiric results can assist specialists of institutional catering to define the prospects of market expansion as well as to identify the special marketing activities necessary to reach the various consumer segments.

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