The countryside is our national treasure!

Magda, Sándor – Marselek, Sándor

Keywords: land ownership, land use, moratorium, National Land Fund, countryside, the agricultural sector

The economic development of our society relies on the use of natural resources. Effectiveness of the land ownership and land use system is at the focus of attention both in Hungary and the EU. Land estate structure and land use have a decisive effect on the profitability of farming operations. The Government intends to set up the National Land Fund to eliminate land speculation. Rational land use is essential in the countryside.
Appreciation for agriculture - as the only source of living - is increasing in regions where the economic situation is critical. Apart from improving the competitiveness of intensive crops, employment is a key issue. The share of fruit and vegetable production as well as animal husbandry should be increased. A structural shift towards energy crop production on one hand and towards integrated and ecological farming on the other hand is desirable in agriculture. The share of irrigated lands should also be increased, as currently only 1 percent of arable land is irrigated. Various facts give rise to the need for a new strategy; in addition to the issue of employment, they include the fact that Hungary’s regional and work productivity parameters are only 35-45% of the figures characterising the Member States with developed agriculture. The improvement of economic performance should be accompanied by the sustainable use of resources, reduction of waste produced, and the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. Changes could be assessed in a more objective manner than it is being done today by monitoring the indices of sustainable development. Improving efficiency and competitiveness is not sufficient in itself because retaining the population, protecting the environment and landscape etc. should be considered equally important goals.

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