Global and Hungarian land reform

Szücs, Tamás

Keywords: land policy, land reform, property

Land reforms ran their course in the 20th century in different forms and with variable effectiveness. The driving force behind the land reforms of countries on the periphery of the world economy should be sought in politics. Reforms prompted by economic considerations were few in number and political intent is still discernible in the background. Examining Asian or South American solutions we find numerous similarities to the processes that took place in Hungary during the last century. Efforts to abolish poverty also played an important role in other regions of the world. Although the primary aim of land reform was the improve¬ment of the countryside, in many cases the side effects were actually an affliction. In consequence of the parcelling out of land many hired hands lost their jobs, the lobbying power of diverse agricultural concerns was lost, and the businesses that were established often proved unviable. The question of legitimacy is crucial to re¬forms, as the legality of the measures must be justified to the ruling elite.