Investigation of the level of self-recognition of college students

Semeginé Tariszka, Éva – Radó, András

Self-cognition, self-respect, and self-confidence are notions met with every day. The necessity of self-cognition is felt and recognised by more and more people. The object of the authors’ Investigation was to study and detect the students’ level of self-cognition. They have revealed that this level is very heterogeneous among college students. Such methods of developing their personality are successful as allow them to compete, and at the same time co-operate, with each other, and also to display their real ego. Possibilities of trying such situations must be created as permit of learning both the strong and weak points of the students’ personality. Research has proven that the development of personality is necessary among young people aged 18 to 24 years, irrespective of the kind of education they take part in. There are several possibilities of developing self-recognition and personality also in the framework of higher education being worthy to be taken advantage of.

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