Unemployment in Gyöngyös and its sub-region

Wölcz, Andrea

Keywords: unemployment, employment, creation of employment, counselling

Investigations have shown that most unemployed people in the Gyöngyös sub-region are 20-29 years old persons possessing elementary school or skilled workman’s certificates. Of the registered unemployed persons blue-colour workers among males and white-colour workers among females are in the majority. Most unemployed people come from processing industries, but periodic demand is noticeable also in this area. The unemployment rate is increasing and exceeds the national average between 2000-2004. Therefore various types of re-training is particularly import in this sub-region and so is the support of job finding and the introduction of long delayed counselling services in agricultural areas. The eLearning, the Human resources Development Program and the LEADER+ programmes may play important roles in resolving these problems.

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