Development of Hungarian and Austrian organic farming

Koltai, Judit Petra – Mazán, Márió – Csatai, Rózsa

Keywords: organic farming, development, support systems, marketing

Directive 2092/91/EEC of the European Council regulates organic farming that is supplemented by national statutes. There are seven inspection organisations functioning in Austria and two in Hungary. They carry out comprehensive control inspections in a designated area at least once a year. When comparing the support systems of the two countries, the amount of support within the NAKP in this country is about 60% less than that in the ÖPUL program in Austria. More than 90% of products produced by organic farms in this country are exported mostly to EU member states. Home demand for such products is low. In Austria demand for eco-products increased significantly in recent years. In this country the turning point could be if, as in Austria, large supermarket chains enhanced their role in retailing eco-products.

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