Quo Vadis Szekler Small Farms? In Memoriam József Alvincz

Elek, Sándor – György, Ottilia –Illyés, László – Péter, Emőke-Katalin

Keywords: family farm, questionnaire survey, artificial intelligence, Szeklerland JEL: Q12, Q15, Q18, Q58

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53079/GAZDALKODAS.68.1.t.pp_3-17
The importance of the agriculture and rural areas is much higher in the new EU member states than in the EU15. As in most of the new member states a dual agriculture has formed in Romania as well during the privatization process. Besides, in the case of Romania, this structure has a significant regional difference as well. The large farms are rather rare, the proportion of small farms is higher not only in number but in the proportion of land use in mountain areas (including Hargita county).
This situation involves some questions. Namely: what are the basic characteristics of different farms, can the small farms survive, and what are the development plans of farmers for the future? To answer these questions, we have used several data sources and different study methods. Beyond analyses of literature and official documents, we used questionnaires, and models of artificial intelligence.
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