Analysis of Management of Equistrian Enterprises around Mosonmagyaróvár

Gombkötő, Nóra – Kránitz, Zsófia – Pongrácz, László

Keywords: economical horse keeping, costs, income opportunities, keeping technology, form of utilisation, Q12

Proper and economic horse keeping is influenced by many factors. When calculating the costs of horse keeping, one should take into account the specific needs of the horse (mainly concerning the keeping technology and feeding). However, costs and income are also influenced by the form of utilisation and by the working mode of the animals. Cost-effectiveness is determined by the relationship between costs and income. In this study, costs and potential income related to horse keeping were examined at several horse farms around Mosonmagyaróvár. There were difficulties during the examination. On the one hand, secondary data related to economic effects on horse keeping were not available due to the special features of the sector. On the other hand, basic data were available as grouped by usual and common practices. The study definitely shows that labour cost is the major cost of horse keeping, which is followed by feeding cost, then cost of veterinarian and the other costs category. It should be highlighted that in terms of total costs the effect of keeping technology can be clearly shown while as regards unit costs it cannot. Therefore it is important to calculate and implement economically the optimum livestock number in this sector, as unit costs are significantly influenced by the stocking rate of each farm and thus basically determine the economical operation of the enterprises.

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